“Bonding is the intense attachment that develops between parents and their baby. It makes parents want to shower their baby with love and affection and to protect and nourish their little one. Bonding gets parents up in the middle of the night to feed their hungry baby and makes them attentive to the baby's wide range of cries.” (source: http://kidshealth.org/parent/pregnancy_newborn/communicating/bonding.html#)
Doulas help assist with bonding. We educate you during pregnancy, support you during birth, and care for you during the postpartum period. All these things help you to feel loved, cared for and empowered. All these things will help you to bond with your baby. 1. Private Infant Massage Class by Jennifer.* Jennifer will come to your house and teach mom and dad how to massage their infant. Infant massage promotes bonding, helps parents to tune into their baby’s cues, helps baby sleep better and more. Class includes a detailed booklet and personal bottle of massage oil. Jennifer Knapp is a Birth Arts trained Birth Doula and a Loving Touch® Certified Infant Massage Instructor. It wasn’t until the birth of her first child that she realized she loved all things birth and babies. With each of her children her desire to learn more about natural birth and parenting grew more and more. After the birth of her third and final baby she knew that being involved with pregnancy and birth was what she wanted and needed to do. Jennifer Knapp- http://www.sildoula.com (845) 849-6404 2. Birth Relaxation Session with Johanna.* Johanna, National Guild of Hypnotists certified Consulting Hypnotist, will guide you through a one hour long relaxation session. Johanna D’Aleo CD(DONA), HCBE, CLC is an experienced labor and postpartum doula, certified HypnoBirthing Educator and Childbirth Educator offering doula support, private or group child birth classes and breastfeeding support as a Certified Lactation Counselor. She also offers belly casting and placenta dehydration/encapsulation. Johanna is also DONA certified in the use of a TENS unit during labor. Johanna D’Aleo - http://calmdoula.com (845) 901-7431 3. $50 Placenta Encapsulation Gift Certificate from Courtney. Ingesting your encapsulated placenta helps to prevent the “baby blues”, increases milk production, shortens healing time and can increase the mothers energy level. Courtney Durfee, CLD(CAPPA), CD(DONA), HCHD, CLC, is a Certified HypnoBabies Childbirth Hypnosis Doula and Trained HypnoBirthing Doula. She is a mother to one wonderful little boy and currently resides in Montgomery, NY. She provides consistent and caring support for pregnant women of the Hudson Valley and their families during pregnancy, birth and beyond. Courtney also offers Commemorative Placenta Preparation & Encapsulation, as an Independent Placenta Services Provider. Courtney Durfee - http://www.placentaservice.com 4. Gentle Baby by Young Living Oils donated by Maritday. Gentle Baby™ is a soft, fragrant combination of essential oils designed specifically for mothers and babies. It helps calm emotions during pregnancy and is useful for quieting troubled little ones. 5. Breastpads and rice sock. Reusable breastpads are a must have for all new moms. The rice sock is perfect to ease all your sore spots. Put it in the microwave to use as a heat pack to release sore muscles or store in the freezer to put on bumps and bruises. Kayla McCullen is the crafty mom who handmade these gifts. She is a mother and trained birth doula. Kayla McCullen - http://www.facebook.com/SacredLotusDoula (518) 742-9638 *All in home services include up to 45 minutes of travel time from the doulas individual Hudson Valley location. Any locations further than this may incur an additional traveling fee.
Have you heard about the benefits of placenta encapsulation? Studies show that placenta is extremely nutrient rich, high in iron, protein, vitamins and minerals, including vitamin B6 and of course, your own natural hormones, making it perfectly made for you, by you. Experts agree that the placenta retains hormones, and thus reintroducing them to your system may ease hormonal fluctuations. An Independent Placenta Services Specialist is now available in our area! Courtney Durfee, of CD Doula Services, will personally prepare your capsules after your birth so that you can enjoy your postpartum, recover quicker and avoid the baby blues. Traditionally placenta capsules are used to: * Balance your hormones * Enhance your milk supply * Increase your energy * Combat fatigue Placenta capsules may help: * Quicker postpartum recovery * Bring the body back into balance * Prevent the “baby blues” * Shorten postpartum bleeding time * Return your uterus to pre-pregnancy size quicker (Increases rate of uterine involution) * Increase postpartum iron levels http://www.cddoula.com/placenta-encapsulation.php Not in the Hudson Valley? For a map & directory of Independent Placenta Services Providers & Specialists nationwide, please see:
http://avoidthebabyblues.weebly.com/ and http://www.placentabakery.com/ |
Doulas of the Hudson ValleyMany of the doulas on this website will be contributing to this blog. Archives
July 2014
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